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  < PREVIOUS Building the #702 Rabbit GTI
(Stephen Jones)
Andy did all the painting since (a) I have never painted before, and (b) he owned all the equipment. Funny story about the paint color. The color was accidental. I selected a paint color based on a paint chip. I picked up the mixed paint, dropped it off with Andy and he started painting while I was at work. I came by at the end of the day and asked him why he was using that color primer. His response was "that's your paint" (Homer Simpson "Doh!") It seems that either the paint chip was old and discolored or the paint was mixed incorrectly. Regardless, we started to use it so we owned it. Andy said he kept stirring the paint because he couldn't believe I could pick such a color. (moral: open the can at the paint store)
And this was the finished product. The first event for the Rabbit was an autocross at Camp Johnson in Colchester, Vermont. Essentially, the care ran exactly like the white Rabbit, handled the same, etc. The only difference was it looked nicer. Due to my color choice and with the full-cage in plain site, the car lost its status of 'sleeper'. The Rabbit would compete in two more events during the summer (Mt. Ascutney Hill Climb and Mt. Philo Hill Climb) before it started to move towards a higher performance vehicle. Pictured at right is my Rabbit with the 185-60-13 Hoosiers at their first event (mounted on steal rims). I was running Andy's old 185-60-13 Yokohama A008's and previous events and actually liked those a lot more than the new Hoosiers.
At this point the car looks quite plain. No air dam, no '702', steal rims, etc.
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